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Our Club's Unique Legacy

Established by the Old King Boys in 2007, KOBFC has not just been a soccer club—it's a dynamic community hub where friendships and soccer skills flourish. We proudly share a close bond with the local school, creating a seamless connection between education and the love for soccer.


Building Foundations: U6 to U12

From our youngest talents in the Under 6 category to the skilled players in the Under 12 league, KOBFC has been a crucial part of countless children's lives. Here, they not only refine their soccer skills but also forge lasting friendships that extend beyond the field.


A Soccer Journey Beyond Youth

Our club isn't just about childhood memories; it's a place where players grow, evolve, and return as adults. Many who played in our ranks as kids find their way back, a testament to the enduring sense of community that KOBFC instills.


Victories Beyond the Scoreboard

Amidst the cheers and victories, our community stands strong. We've had our share of triumphs in various leagues, leaving an indelible mark on local soccer history. These achievements, though significant, are just part of the larger narrative—a story of shared successes and a united community.


Join KOBFC, not just for the soccer, but for the vibrant community that propels us forward. Whether you're a young talent finding your footing or a seasoned player returning to familiar grounds, you're not just joining a club; you're becoming a part of a legacy that transcends the ordinary. Welcome to KOBFC, where the journey is as enriching as the victories themselves.


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